On Friday, we got to meet our new Mission President, Pte. Santos! Hes from Puerto Rico but has worked and I think lives in the United States! But he is very cool. He's a convert to the church and he told us that he was a "miracle baptism." Apparently he was contacted by the missionaries because they just so happened to knock on his door, which very rarely happens BTW.
Later he said something that I really liked. "Don't let anybody make you mad, in fact nobody can unless you let them." Which reminded me of something my Dad has always told me. "Nobody can offend you, you have to CHOOSE to be offended." That counsel I have carried with me my whole life, and I know that its helped me alot in my life. Those of you who are really close to me know that most of the time nothing phases me and I am pretty tranquilo. Its cause me getting mad or stressed or stuff like that does me no good.
Anyways! On Saturday we had a baptism! Michelle got baptized and it was so so cool. The room was completely packed and it was such a special moment for her, as well as her mom. We are going to start teaching her mom who isn't a member and I know that shes felt the spirit, so we're excited for that.
But I hope everyone has had a good week!! And the video attached was a video someone showed us that I thought was really cool and might help you have one! Suerte con todo esta semana!!
Elder Larkin
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