Monday, December 7, 2015

They Call Me Ratkiller

Hey everyone! It's been a good two weeks! I didn't have a chance to send a mass email last week because we had a storm and the internet went out!! Kinda sucked! But anyway I have some crazy stories to tell! So in our house our pipes are broken under our sink, okay? So we just have a bucket that catches all the water and junk that comes down. (Really gross.. also I'm pretty sure it's full right now). But sometimes, RATS fall through the pipe into the bucket! and they can't get out. So I'm the only one who is man enough (or crazy enough- who knows) to kill them. So anyway, I get our machete, and then someone dumps the bucket into the street and I kill it with the machete! Can't let them get back into our house ya know? I'm at 4 rats!

Also one of the other missionaries (Suarez) was standing on his bed, trying to kill a moth. Silly silly Suarez. He forgot the FAN was on! So yeah, our fans are made of metal, so when it makes contact with a human skull, it does some damage! We went to the hospital at midnight with a member and we went to this free clinic where he got 3 stitches in the back of his head! It's a good thing it wasn't on full blast because that could have been really bad!!

One more crazy story! So me and Elder Empey were coming home from a hard days work right? Like always! It was 9 o'clock and we were in a public area. Then out of nowhere some people start screaming and stuff and then BANG. A gunshot. People started screaming and running. We were kind of confused. Then another BANG. That's when me and elder Empey started running 'cause somebody just died (probably) and we don't know where or what was happening. All I know it was like 30-50 feet away from us and it was pretty nuts.

Anyways! We are doing really awesome here! We have 6 baptisms planned for the 19th of December so that's SUPER exciting! I hope you all are having an awesome holiday season! We are hoping we can make someones Christmas this year. We have a lady we are teaching. She is so ready for baptism except one problem.. she isn't married!! So me and Elder Empey are putting money together to help pay for their marriage! They have little money but they are really really amazing. The money we are gifting them could go towards moving to a better place or at least a better home! We are really excited and I hope that you all can find that giving spirit this Christmas. I mean Jesus Christ gave his whole life for us and we should be grateful for that and give too!

I invite all to watch this video. It will bring with it the spirit and that is just the Best!

Love you all! Happy Holidays!

Elder Bryson Larkin


This is Momma Larkin here.  In a letter a while back Bryson said, "Keep Christ in your lives and don't take anything for granted!  Like a nice toilet... oh my gosh".  

Do you remember that letter?  Well, after that letter, I have been begging him to send me pictures of his apartment. I wanted to see where he was, I wanted to see his apartment and living conditions etc.  At first he WOULD NOT send me pictures! I guess he didn't want to worry me.  He said it was bad!...really really bad!  I had to explain to him that he would want these pictures later in life, so he could remember his mission like it really was, and that he needed to document everything, including the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Well, today he delivered!  LOL!  And he added "the gross" in there, as well!

(the toilet AFTER it had been cleaned)



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