Monday, September 12, 2016

Last Week with American's

This week was the week of a big service project for a handicapped member in our branch. She has a wheelchair and every week we go to her house to take her to church. The only problem was, that to get out of her house you basically had to go off-roading, and that is very difficult in a wheelchair, and absolutely impossible for her. She literally cannot leave her house at all unless she has someone help her, so once a week she gets to leave her house to go to church. We had an idea to level the ground and make her a ramp and told the branch about it. We did it this week for this sister! (The same sister who's child died in the accident) We got all the tools and all the stuff to make a cement ramp and we got together at 9 in the morning to start. at around 2:30 we were almost finished and we made the way x1000% better. The sister still cant leave her house without help but this way it'll be so much easier for us, or someone else, to help her out. It is so good to do service for others. We had a discussion about service and it was decided that service is one of the most important things we can do in this life. We imagined that God will know that we aren't perfect in everything and that's why we have Christ, but we do have the chance to be charitable and do service for others. That's what I think will be very important. To see if we served our fellow man. 

Matthew 25:40 "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Oh and with more coconuts this week we played "coconut baseball" with a machete. Good stuff over here!
Be sure to send me alot of pictures and everything! Hope all had an amazing week!!!
Elder Larkin

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