Monday, January 30, 2017

Super Finding Mode

This week we've been in "super finding mode." This past week we had a transmission from a few of the apostles and the missionary headquarters, and they've changed up the way we are gonna do things. Before, we counted stuff like, how many new people we met in the week, how many lessons we taught with members present, how many to less actives, stuff like that. But now, basically all we are focusing on is new people we find to teach, how many investigators go to church, and how many baptisms we get. The goal of the mission is to help people change their lives by accepting the true gospel of Jesus Christ and being baptized. SO that's what we need to focus on! 

This week we've been working alot with Alexander and his family, and he has a baptism date for Feb. 11 like I said before. When he prayed to God to see if the church was true he told me that he got all "hot" and his heart started to race. Hes awesome and his brother helps us a ton. We are also working with his parents but they'll have to get married first before anything. That could be a small issue but we'll see what happens!!

This week I didn't take any pictures, so uhhh sorry!! But I hope everyone has had an awesome week!!! 

I know with out a doubt in my mind or in my heart that this gospel is TRUE. I KNOW that Jesus is my savior and redeemer. I know that without him I have no chance of getting into the Celestial Kingdom because of my daily mistakes and errors. I know that I am not perfect but His perfectness is infinite; its enough to take me with him when it's time, but only if I try my hardest to follow his footsteps, and help him bring his love and forgiveness to the people around me. And all of this isn't just an exception for me and my sins, but for every living person that has ever lived. I shrink when I think about what suffering infinitely for all of humanity must have been like in the Garden of Gethsemane. Every sin, every pain, suffering, sickness, embarrassment... everything. My eyes water when I think about him willingly submitting himself to be beaten, whipped, laughed at, and spit upon. And the fact is, that he did this because he loves us. Because he loves me, and everyone. And I know that everything he did and taught is for our good.

Elder Larkin

Monday, January 23, 2017

Elder Dunn and the Coldest Mornings Ever

So my new companion Elder Dunn, is actually from Spokane, Washington. Hes got 5 months in the mission and YIKES I forgot how bad new americans in the mission are at speaking spanish. 

This week we've been working good and we've found alot of new people to teach. One of these is the little brother and family of a 15 year old convert in our branch. I thought they were members but one day we were walking and he asked us, so hey my brother wants to get baptized when can you guys come and teach him? And I was just like, "HOLD ON.... your brother isnt a member?" Needless to say his brother has a baptism date for Feb. 11 and we are also teaching 2 of his friends that we hope can get baptized that day as well.

So here in the DR right now we are having a "big" cold front and I know its nothing to what the US is like right now but..... houses in the US are closed and heat/cold doesnt get out very easily. Here the houses are basically open and it gets COLD in the morning! I wake up shivering every morning and then have to go take a cold shower. So fun times over here!!!

So attached are pictures of my apartment and of me! (for mom haha) Hope you enjoy them!

Anyways!!! Hope you all have a good week!!! I dont have a picture of me and my comp yet soooo be on the lookout for that!


Elder Larkin

Monday, January 16, 2017

New Transfer, NEW COMP

So Elder Torres is leaving the area! Hes been here for 6 months now and that's a really long time, and this Saturday they called and told us he'd be moved out! My new companion is named Elder Dunn and I'm guessing hes from Utah, idk he just has that look haha. Hes, of course, very new in the mission, I'm pretty sure this is his second area, and we'll see what happens! Hopefully we´ll get along great and have a good transfer or 2! I am sad to have only had 1 transfer with Elder Torres though. 4th companion in a row like that!

ALSO in June I will be getting a new mission president! President and Hermana Santos from Puerto Rico. Itll be interesting how they do things here in the mission after Nuckols is gone. 

Also I'm gonna apologize now because I forgot my camera at home so there wont be any of my pictures on here this week, sorry mom! But yeah next week for sure.😬

One thing that was very special this week was the baptisms of the sister missionaries.  We've gotten to know the youth and they are good kids. Right after their baptism, I told them, ¨Now, this is probably one of the only times I talk to you super seriously, so pay attention. After today, your old lives don't exist. You are completely clean as of now, so do your best to stay that way. Also there is no going back. You've make a sacred covenant with the Lord and that should not be taken lightly. You need to stay strong no matter what happens. One day in the future, someone will offend you, or do something dumb that makes you angry. Don't let anyone or anything get in your heads. You should be here for YOU and not for the people here.¨ I think that got to them and I know that these youth (20, 16, & 15 years of age) will be strong in the faith.

After that we got to witness a man be baptized, ordained to the priesthood, and then baptize his wife. It was super special for that family and for us, because that does not happen very often here. Lots of families are only part-member families, so when this happens its an event not to miss.

Other than that I guess I really don't have much to say! I hope everyone has a good week and everything!!! 
Hasta pronto,

Elder Larkin

President and Sister Santos

PS.  MOM I GOT THE PACKAGE!!!! Not the Christmas one but the one before hahaha.  But yeah everything is stale hahahaha, but I still ate everything :) it had hot fries, hair wax and cookie dough mix with Swedish dish and sour patch kids. I didn't get sick or anything, only the hot fries were stale, everything else was normal. And yes the SD card reader was in it :)

Monday, January 9, 2017


Well sorry I didnt write last week to everyone first off. I didnt have any time to write last monday because we had stuff to do. This week was full of fun stuff though! So I have a little bit to go off of this time.

So first things first we had 2 intercambios, or in other words I left my area for a day and another missionary went to my area. I went with another gringo from Utah who is new in the mission and it was fun! Haha I remember when I was first starting and everything was hard and frustrating. Im so glad that I got over that hump and now I can just enjoy my mission. 

Also we had lots of interviews this week! The sister missionaries in our district have like 5 people who are gonna get baptized so Elder Torres being the district leader he had to do all of them. No matter where we are, no matter who it is, the message of the gospel is being spread throughout the world. Whether it be the USA, the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Russia, wherever. Its amazing to see people from all walks of life come to know the light that is the atonement. 

In other news, we've had alot of fun activities with our district. Well we always go eat somewhere after every district meeting, but we've done other stuff. Today we went all the way to the beach to have a picnic type thing. We played cards, dominoes, (SUPER DOMINICAN) and found crabs on the beach. It was awesome, the only problem is that I forgot my camera. The sisters are sending me the pictures they took so hopefully they'll get here before I send this email. (and yes my tongues out😜)

Other than that it was a pretty normal week! 
This new year is going to be full of good stuff and Im excited to take it head on and go all out the last 8 months of my mission. Thanks everyone for your support! Love yall!

Elder Larkin

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year

This week we didn't do much to be honest. Lots of people out of town so we spent a lot of time at members houses. Oh and on new years eve we went to the same members house for dinner!  Super super good food again.

pretty uneventful day today actually.

And I actually don't have any time today so I'm not gonna be able to write a mass email today.  😁